It'd be a kinda sucky VN if you didn't have time enough to speak to anyone.

Or, as I have theorized to myself, it could have been that time was passing normally and I was losing all memory of anything happening, only becoming conscious at certain moments in time. Blacking out and completely disassociating.

But it's cool you see it that way. I do have a pretty good imagination.
Had an awful dream yesterday that involved a houseful of butchered people. One of the little girls was even covered in cum.

This morning I dreamt that I was Sam Hyde's girlfriend. A-fucking-gain.
otaku_emmy said:
Sam Hyde
Now that's a name I haven't heard in years. That guy still even make content?
traz64 said:
Now that's a name I haven't heard in years. That guy still even make content?
They (The Man) deleted the MDE YouTube channel and Twitter account, so I'm not sure how he's putting stuff out now.

He got a book published a while back. It looked pretty good too, but it was printed in super limited quantities so it's probably impossible to get a copy now.
otaku_emmy said:
He got a book published a while back. It looked pretty good too, but it was printed in super limited quantities so it's probably impossible to get a copy now.
Wow, $340.
Yeah, I remember looking for it on Amazon forever ago. The reviews are, predictably, pretty fun to read. :p
Welp. Had a dream about Pewdiepie. I was being all lovey dovey on him. I had a tiny cut on my finger and he even kissed it to make it feel better.

Did a real 180 with old Pewds, I tell ya.
another one
I have strange dreams.
Everything that happens in real life merges together into one big chaotic mess.
The worst part is that every time i think it is real and sometimes i have to wait for a little while for my brain to seperate reality from dreams.
It also doesn't help that i have autism.
So I guess it's just a normal thing for me to have recurring dreams about Sam Hyde now.

This time it took place in a post apocalyptic dsytopia, and I made the conscious decision to leave reasonable, high class society and join him in his bullshit and skullduggery.
I had a dream to buy new outfits for halloween
I had a dream I was stalking this DILF I'm super in to. I stalked him so persistently and with such prowess that he ended up taking a liking to me, which is not how stalking works. He made a cat-and-mouse game out of the whole situation, which I found quite thrilling.
I had a really weird dream a while ago.

I'm currently doing my PhD in Lower Germany. For some reason I had a dream about getting an offer in some PhD student position in the UK, I didn't inform anybody about it, hopped in an airplane and got there pronto. Went around town, "met students" asked them about my to-be supervisor, I got lost around and woke up...
Why the fuck did I dream that.
My dream was strange and meaningless as always, I don't like sharing dreams, but here we go.

I entered a classroom, I found a boy at the teacher's desk, inside my own dream I remembered his name, and I haven't seen him in about 7 years, so I started looking from under the tables inside the class room, I took a paper with school notes that was dated 22/11/2012, so someone called me at the door, then I remember that I was in a room like that, another friend of mine appears in this dream, he was sitting next to me, I asked him if he had a tattoo, he said it was just his shirt, then they started talking about which people failed, came to a guy with a black jacket and shoulder-length hair, he suddenly took an LMG and started shooting people, me and other people started running, he started to follow me, I started running right and left trying to dodge the bullets, then I remember that out of nowhere I was inside a monster truck and I ran over him, at the end I jumped off a ramp, yes it's weird and nonsense, when I woke up, I wrote down the date and the name of this boy, and I started thinking about that dream, and I realized some things, some are connected with real life.

Something that happened at the beginning of last year, with the rupture of the dam in Brumadinho, for + - 1 month or more there was an intense helicopter traffic in the skies here, in the dream I just heard an increasingly loud and intense noise, I thought it was something falling on top of the house, there came a point that was so high that I woke up sweating and screaming, after a few seconds I realized and remembered that it was the helicopters flying over the skies, although it was loud, not so much, the sound of this helicopter influenced my dream.

I'm ashamed to say what I screamed, and at that time I saw a very large helicopter compared to the ones I always see, it was probably military.
Some old, beer-bellied, shirtless, balding, redneck creep was skulking around the woods near a trailer park I lived in. I lived in a fairly decent double wide. I had two boys with me. Both young. Both very precious to me. We also had an above ground pool. They were playing in the mud beside the pool. I was holding two to four books balanced on my left hand. The redneck, seemingly inebriated, stumbled over, a toothless smile spread across his tan, leathery face. I was afraid. It was hot out. I told him he could cool himself off in the pool. He proceeded to do this trippy slow motion belly flop with his arms outstretched like Christ the Redeemer. The water began to overflow. However, what water that spilled out far outweighed the capacity of the actual pool. The surrounding area began to flood, and the water flowed like rapids. The little boys began to drown. I had to choose between them and the books. I thought for a moment. Far too long. I knew, in the dream, I should be ashamed for even having to think about whether I wanted the books or the boys to live. I finally decided to throw the books down and try to save the boys. The dream ended.
I wanted a penis. Then I magically had a penis. I went to check it out in the bathroom mirror. I also had on black pantyhose. I thought to myself, "I wanna see it grow." so I started rubbing it. That felt nice, so I kept going until I came all over the place and got cum all over my red sweatshirt, the pantyhose, and my left house slipper.

The weirdest part was that, during the dream, it felt more like I was "handling" someone else and not myself. Not my own penis.
2 nights ago, I had a nightmare that I reconciled with a certain someone, but then the next day it turns out he had a baby. Fuck him. Reconciliation lost. And fuck that bitch too.
I wish I knew why I have recurring dreams about Sam Hyde.
Maybe because you have a crush on him. Or wish you were him or something.

edit: and astrologically speaking, you guys are SO right for eachother :)
I dreamt of Pekora…
mattiasc02 said:
Maybe because you have a crush on him. Or wish you were him or something.

edit: and astrologically speaking, you guys are SO right for eachother :)
Pfff I keep forgetting to reply to this.

I'm not physically attracted to Sam Hyde, and while I have an abundance of respect for the man, I wouldn't say I "love" him either. Not romantically.

Which is exactly why it's so odd that I keep dreaming about him. Especially when I haven't been thinking about him or watching anything MDE related.

Maybe that just goes to show how deeply my resentment towards Adult Swim is rooted.
otaku_emmy said:
I'm not physically attracted to Sam Hyde, and while I have an abundance of respect for the man, I wouldn't say I "love" him either. Not romantically.
Oh he looks pretty ugly. But he seems very intelligent and wise tho.

And honey, ya can't fall in love with somebody you've only seen on TV anyways :p :p

Which is exactly why it's so odd that I keep dreaming about him. Especially when I haven't been thinking about him or watching anything MDE related.

Maybe that just goes to show how deeply my resentment towards Adult Swim is rooted.
Do you remember what he does in your dreams? Maybe preeching about something? Or perhaps dying or whatever?

And why do you hate adult swim? (btw I don't watch adult swim)
mattiasc02 said:
And honey, ya can't fall in love with somebody you've only seen on TV anyways :p :p
Oh you can fall in love with anyone.

Do you remember what he does in your dreams? Maybe preeching about something? Or perhaps dying or whatever?
Different things, but it's either I'm looking for him because I want to be with him or I am already with him.

And why do you hate adult swim? (btw I don't watch adult swim)
They fucked Sam and his friends over in 2016.

The only thing I watch on Adult Swim now is Rick and Morty.
otaku_emmy said:
Oh you can fall in love with anyone.
But wouldn't that be just infatuation and not love? (if it's someone on TV and you've never spoken a word to them)

Like... I guess I could understand internet love, but he in TV boo.

Different things, but it's either I'm looking for him because I want to be with him or I am already with him.
Maybe you need someone who's just like him and has his personality in this life. Ain't he like intellectual or something? *Looks for a smarty pants guy/gal for emmy*

But apparently he supports Trump. Or at least it says that in wikipedia.

They fucked Sam and his friends over in 2016.

The only thing I watch on Adult Swim now is Rick and Morty.
Why did they do that? I mean write something called "How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't" in 2016 according to wikipeida.

And Rick Morty is for little kids
mattiasc02 said:
But wouldn't that be just infatuation and not love? (if it's someone on TV and you've never spoken a word to them)
I think that if you're willing to die for someone then that's love.

You don't need to know someone personally to love them.

Maybe you need someone who's just like him and has his personality in this life. Ain't he like intellectual or something? *Looks for a smarty pants guy/gal for emmy*
It's not that either. I'd never want to be with someone intentionally antagonistic like him.

Why did they do that? I mean write something called "How to Bomb the U.S. Gov't" in 2016 according to wikipeida.
That book is so fucking expensive now too. It'd be nearly impossible to get ahold of a copy.

Anyway, that was an intentionally misleading title. His whole career is kinda like that.

And Rick Morty is for little kids
Anyone who'd let a child watch that show is a very bad parent/guardian. :p
otaku_emmy said:
Anyone who'd let a child watch that show is a very bad parent/guardian. :p
Anyone who'd let a child watch *TV is a very bad parent/guardian. ftfy

otaku_emmy said:
That book is so fucking expensive now too. It'd be nearly impossible to get ahold of a copy.
RyuZU said:
Pirating a physical copy of a book is very funny to think about.
otaku_emmy said:
Pirating a physical copy of a book is very funny to think about.
PDF ora
RyuZU said:
I'm a collector. I've always loved real books more. The feel, the smell, the aesthetic of having them all lined up neatly on a shelf.

Plus imagine the thrill of acquiring something rare like that. It'd be a hoot and a half.
otaku_emmy said:
I think that if you're willing to die for someone then that's love.

You don't need to know someone personally to love them.
Wow... Emmy, you're so wise. Such a knowledgable-chan. Would it be a good idea if we swap brains? :)))

Anyone who'd let a child watch that show is a very bad parent/guardian. :p
Lol yeah. Honestly the fact that children have their own phones (like, really young children) is alright like... crazy enough.

And do what RyuZU says! Put on that eyepatch and arrrr