Ugh...This will be a pain to tag properly ^_^;
1. DanbooruStahnAileron said:
Ugh...This will be a pain to tag properly ^_^;
2. ???
3. Profit
True...But someone will have to clean up the tags imported from Dan or San since they have many more tags that we don't use here or differ slightly from the terms we do use.
Wouha, there is many reference here, I can note several of them are not tag like dragon quest, fma, pangya, soul eater, and maybe minecraft.
Do the boots in the lower left count for a Sailor Moon tag? And I can see that thing from Full Metal Panic Fumoffu just behind the magazine she's reading. Also one of the stuffed animals to the right of the monitor looks like Kyuubee and the lower poster over these Pacman-thingies looks like a character of Code Geass. And left to that poster is a sticker of Sleeping Forest (Air Gear). That weapon-thing behind her looks familiar, too. But I can't remember where I saw it. Also one of the boxes under the desk looks like it's got something to do with Suzumiya Haruhi, but I'm not sure about this.
It's hard to tell who the other to people on the box are (i assume Yuki and Mikuru) but the one in front is Haruhi. It also has the logo on it.Charly said:
*snip* Also one of the boxes under the desk looks like it's got something to do with Suzumiya Haruhi, but I'm not sure about this.
I'm not sure, but is the yellow snake there from Hekikai no AiON? hmm
were is soul eater in all this?? i dont see it X_X
top of the poster with the coke zero is the....symbol?(was that the symbol for soul eater? it's been forever since I've seen that show)servant-of-evil said:
were is soul eater in all this?? i dont see it X_X
is that a.....Oppai mouse pad of Kaito? O.o
the truth is... Kaito has man boobs!
Looks like Win7-Tan - 77328RonanKisuki said:
is that a.....Oppai mouse pad of Kaito? O.o
There's the clow book from card captors
And that drill nosed animal is from rave master ain't it?
Poon, if I remember right...
And that drill nosed animal is from rave master ain't it?
Poon, if I remember right...
Can Gurren Lagann (Yoko's hair clip), xxxHoLic (pipe fox), and Tsubasa (Mokona >w<) be added? :3
Also, thats not Kaito D8? I am disappoint. :T
Also, thats not Kaito D8? I am disappoint. :T
Why 4chan? I would understand if there was Pedobear or someone similar, but there isn't any reference whatsoever.
Hey there's Ace too from one piece on the Book
Added Win7-Tan tag, as the Window's tag is already present
DomoAstrak said:
Why 4chan? I would understand if there was Pedobear or someone similar, but there isn't any reference whatsoever.
If I'm not mistaken, I think that's Kan'u's Spear from IkkitousenCharly said:
That weapon-thing behind her looks familiar, too. But I can't remember where I saw it.
Ah, so he's the one. Never seen him on /b/ (which is the only board I'm visiting) so I supposed he hasn't any link to 4chan.
The is Kon from Bleach next to the magazine the girl is holding, the Death Note is on the bookshelf next to the animal, the Lucky Star cat is on the end of the shelf at the top of the picture, there is the leak from Vocaloid on the computer under the desk, those are Sailor Moon boots in the bottom left corner, that is the Soul Eater logo above the picture of the guy pointing at the coke can, a Ronald Mcdonald figure above the leak, there is the logo for Ghost in the Shellon the wall above the girls feet, on top of the Haruhi Suzumiya box is a vampire knight box. There are many other things too, like pokemon, naruto, the mushroom thing from Mario Brothers, the monsters from Pacman and all the other things you guys have said.
I want her desktop wallpaper. By a lot.
Kyuubee? Where? I can't find him! >.<
So that thing above her mousepad isn't Kyuubee? Alright, I'll remove that tag again. I wasn't sure if he is in the first place.PAIIS said:
Kyuubee? Where? I can't find him! >.<
Nope, that's Mokona (the Tsubasa Chronicle version). I'm surprised it wasn't tagged already (It was definitely mentioned). Done now.
Not sure if a tag exists for it but noticed Domo Kun isn't tagged, he's a little to the left of the azumanga daioh kitty in the picture
lol shes got an iphone :D
Ah depot where there is love like a good
One of the heads on the shelf is Hakurei Reimu, isn't it? touhou tag present, but not her character tag... /fixed
The bloke in the cardboard box labeled Gundam is Madarame Harunobu from Genshiken.
Also, isn't that skull on the right of the monitor Elsie's from The World God Only Knows?
Also, isn't that skull on the right of the monitor Elsie's from The World God Only Knows?
Ok.. who took a picture of my sister while she was in my room.
ah, that skull on the comp, it's from Gurren Lagann ! isn't it ? u missed that ^ ^
ronald looks like he has his rhape face on
yup thats yokos hair pinSheKicks said:
ah, that skull on the comp, it's from Gurren Lagann ! isn't it ? u missed that ^ ^
Isn't that blue thing on the shelf above the moniter from Yu Yu Hakusho?
I think the black book with the chain is the "Bible Black", isnt it?
Soo... much.. tagging.. *many months later..* done! *clicks erase on accident* DX
Clicks undo, and user ban.....on purpose.XxVoidTikixX said:
Soo... much.. tagging.. *many months later..* done! *clicks erase on accident* DX
what about that doraemon? i dun see it in the tags
Edit: lol just checked out the doraemons on kona.. only 4 pictures
Edit: lol just checked out the doraemons on kona.. only 4 pictures
There is also Kamina from Gurren Lagann in the very top of the pic, in a wallpaper.
what the this picture
a wall paper, well i gusse since there is a domo but look u have almost 20 diffrent consepts in one photo to naruto to dragon ball z
I loled at the tags
Isn't that Totoro next to her left foot?
if im right on top of the moniter is that light yagami from death note?
Who is on the computer ,too bright I can't see
i can see the mac donalds clown ! :C
All those tags and nobody included Mudkip :0
Added the Bible Black, but can't see Mudkip...RandomGenericGuyNo1 said:
All those tags and nobody included Mudkip :0
I see Haro from Gundam 0079 and Puu-chan from Yuu Yuu Hakusho. :) All this picture is lacking is Where's Waldo.
Mudkip is to the right of the monitor!Gameboon said:
Added the Bible Black, but can't see Mudkip...
... isn't the water droplet form .hack (found another tag)
just stumbled upon this and found more missing tags Mario / Goomba ( to the bottom right of the monitor near the cup of soup) and at least 2 refrences to gundam ( the green ball on the plushie shelf and the mech next to the monitor on the left ) then theirs the weapon just behind her , witch if i'm not mistaken is a replica of the green dragon crescent blade , the weapon of choice for guan yu , as told in romance of the three kingdoms.
i cant see isamine kaito...
i can't see isamine kaito...
The blue plushie with long ears and the black tuft of hair on top of the monitor next to the cactaur is from Yu Yu Hakusho. (Not currently tagged.)
Why don't we have a high-heels tag?
Does anyone else see plue?
Does anyone else see plue?
I meantioned Plue previously... no one took note. Also noticed that the Pac-man ghosts weren't accounted for either. I mean, come on... its friggin pac-man! D:
does the girls are having the same fantasies with men's dreams?
nice paint