ao_no_exorcist black_hair blonde_hair breasts cleavage green_eyes group gun kamiki_izumo kirigakure_shura male miwa_konekomaru moriyama_shiemi navel nii_(ao_no_exorcist) okumura_rin okumura_yukio pointed_ears shima_renzou staff suguro_ryuji sword tie weapon yuuno_(yukioka)

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somehow this reminds me of the vongolas.....
It must be because of the uniform and the flames of Rin.

At least in Ao no exorcist, womens can be useful and powerful^^
I've only watched up to episode 3, but I don't think i've noticed any women in Ao no Exorcist.... Unless you refer to the manga?
Hey wheres the puppet hand guy, i haven't seen him in any group pictures of the gang, not important character ?
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