building chong_feigiap city clouds cropped headphones long_hair phone shorts sky

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The 90s with a iPhone ?
However I love the drawing !
Maybe the girl is born in the 90s
It's a T-Shirt, it doesn't have anything to do with when she was born... For instance, if you were to wear a T-Shirt that says "I <3 New York", would that mean you've been to New York?
Goggles:D said:
It's a T-Shirt, it doesn't have anything to do with when she was born... For instance, if you were to wear a T-Shirt that says "I <3 New York", would that mean you've been to New York?
If the girl's shirt said "F me", I would take it very seriously.
Well, that isn't the case, now is it?
90s .... best years mankind ever had. No economic breakdown, no shit music, less pollution, extremely good climate (for equatorians anyway @ 4 seasoned zone), etc. @ everything else aside from technology.
Tensa said:
no shit music
Chuckle~ Chuckle~
There's always some person in the word who has a taste for cruddy music.
I think its like:
Person:"Hey, remember the 90's?"
Girl:"I AM THE 90's"
Tensa said:
90s .... best years mankind ever had. No economic breakdown, no shit music, less pollution, extremely good climate (for equatorians anyway @ 4 seasoned zone), etc. @ everything else aside from technology.
Sweden had a economic breakdown wich lead to lowering our currency. It also led to heavy savings on important things such as schools and hospitals. But apart from that 90's was a blast!! :D
Holy crap! That awesome feeling that the first picture I saw after creating an account here, is one about my hometown of Georgetown Penang, Malaysia! I'm like O_O<3 That tall building behind her is Komtar.
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