carnelian fujita_nodoka game_cg knife para-sol waitress weapon

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I guess I will tip generously.
Excuse me, thats a combat knife, not a cooking knife. o_ o
The manager's idea of a yandere theme was not well received by many customers...
Oh, is the steak that rare today? Well I'm glad that you brought me that combat knife so I can cut it with...... >.>
Her eyes are telling my to pay handsomely but that knife is saying if i don't tip over 15% i'm gonna get cut.
Well as long as theres no poison in my coffee, I suppose.
Very....uhhh.....Demonic O.o
Agos said:
The manager's idea of a yandere theme was not well received by many customers...
oh on the contrary Agos, i love being served with the blade of an ice cold knife. I quite admire combat readiness in my women...
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