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There is actually 14 images in the set, one for each combo of her 5 clothing items plus close up.
I didn't upload any because the reflection is wrong.
SciFi said:
There is actually 14 images in the set, one for each combo of her 5 clothing items plus close up.
I didn't upload any because the reflection is wrong.
Perhaps the Artist will say something with this pictures. Anime is after all a form of art. Where ca I get this set? Would be nice you upload them.
Pixiv. I can see the manga pages because I have an account.
And it always helps to have the right source link.
Damn... That silver hair is sexy...
CABOOSEUNLMTD: Please stop grave-digging all of these old posts. I've counted at least five today and it's making me really mad. So, I repeat, please refrain from posting on such old pictures.

Wait . . . Damnit! I'm starting to sound like Stahn.
kaelistari said:
He already has two black (err, red) marks on his record. I doubt he'll be annoying you for much longer. In the meantime, enjoy the picture he's digging up. ;)
Yeah, I see that now, Tommy. He did dig up a few good posts that I might not have seen without his 'assistance.'

BTW, you spelled snip wrong.

EDIT: Holy crap! How is this guy not banned? He's comment spammed and had a bad upload history (some screen caps, some not even wallpapers, and a bunch that weren't even anime)
kaelistari said:
BTW, you spelled snip wrong.
No I didn't. *shifty eyes*

I'd guess he's not been banned yet because Stahn hadn't been the one dealing with him. He's good when it comes to no second chances.

Also: Off topic dropping thread.
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