flan_reia_nao komeiji_satori long_hair purple_eyes purple_hair signed skirt thighhighs touhou

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2d over 3d, but I thought this one looked great. Still learning my Touhou characters though, looking for her name
(yuugenmagan/ Deep Magic Eye)?
Her name is in the Pxiv tags. Unfortunately, all the tags are in JPN and her name is partially Kanji to boot. I take it you can't read any JPN at all, correct? (I can only read kana and recognize only a handful of kanji.) Anyway, name added. If you have Touhou char problems, refer to our resident Touhou man, Tensa.

As for the image itself: while technically fine (excellent even on my technical quality standards), I find the char design herself a bit too much Flash-like in style. As such, it comes off a bit more westernized than I personal would like. I'd approve on technical grounds alone, but the visual style is questionable to some degree. This is a boderline demographics case though, so I'd have to ask Shuugo about it if I wanted to be absolutely sure. Though I think it'll be fine. It's at least related to a popular JPN franchise (Touhou).

On the otherhand, I do love the BG and color effects on the lighting. Especially the lighting effect on the ground. Though I find it a bit disappointing that the lighting effect wasn't applied to the leg and other parts of the body directly in the light.
I agree on all accounts. I thought the image itself conveyed a haunting loneliness but the character seems fine with it. That contrast is what attracted me.

I'm currently making a huge data base for Anime/Game names/images so I learn and apply faster. As it is now, If I don't know, I usually just note the character traits and search Google. (couldn't find this one even when mentioning the eye thing)
Check the Touhou Wiki on Wikia.
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