blonde_hair braids clouds ia penchop sky vocaloid

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I seriously cannot get enough of this picture. I love it so much. If this wasn't MissBMoon's avatar, I'd be using it! haha. Ia is my favourite! :D
Zipporah-Mai said:
I seriously cannot get enough of this picture. I love it so much. If this wasn't MissBMoon's avatar, I'd be using it! haha. Ia is my favourite! :D
Yes this pic is quite wonderful to look at. :)

Zipporah-Mai, you could perform an exorcism on MissBMoon forcing her spirit to leave this avatar, then you just hop in and take control. :)
Akhkharu said:
Zipporah-Mai, you could perform an exorcism on MissBMoon forcing her spirit to leave this avatar, then you just hop in and take control. :)
I don't think so :P
First there has to be a more cuter and sweeter image than this one.
I really love penchop's art for IA <3
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