cameltoe food ice_cream inia_sestina jpeg_artifacts muv-luv_alternative sayori total_eclipse

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Um, I'm confused. Is that supposed to be spunk, or more ice cream all over her...Because it doesn't look like vanilla to me, buddy.
I concur with A.t.m.t. [Animeticklesmytoes], although the faint pink color of the seamen/sperm like substance does tend to match the pink layer on her ice-cream cone.
If it is just more ice-cream, then she is one messy eater. :)
Looks like liquid communism.
^ problem?

And it's most likely ice cream. But the amount is too big considering how much is left on the cone. Also considering that a big amount of ice cream fell. Also considering that she barely took a bite/lick of it. Conclusion: anime world.
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