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Isn't the only reason that Ika-chan can fly is because spoiler
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...
Agos said:
Isn't the only reason that Ika-chan can fly is because spoiler
Afroman said:
That kind of goes against the laws of physics. Even if Ika-chan is 0kg the weight of the others will still remain the same. Unless she can alter their weight too, they're gonna drag Ika-chan down like an anchor.
You'll notice one tentacle is off screen. It's possible that's pushing against the ground, and she's not really flying at all. Whatever it may be, though, let's stop killing catgirls.
Its obviously jet boots, it has to be...
Or perhaps, with PAIIS's theory, they took off at a run, and she pushed off the ground with that off screen tentacle, sending them into the air, and they are simply gliding with the wind, as being that high, it would be extremely windy up there, but would make a descent back down again...which...actually...sounds deadly.
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