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Ow ow ow ow OW!

The thought of something so cold being in there is NOT a pleasant one! >.<
First time I've seen them actually stick it in there...
Alcrin said:
Ow ow ow ow OW!

The thought of something so cold being in there is NOT a pleasant one! >.<
But you'd lick it clean for sure...
yager05 said:
But you'd lick it clean for sure...
No doubt
I've done a condom filled with hail before.
The feeling sent shivers down my spine.

That being said I love the look on her face. It's like "Okay... what, uhh... ehe... what?"
I love the look on her face. It's like "Okay... what, uhh... ehe... what?"
It's more like: "It looks so good, I want to lick it so badly..."
as a girl i would try it at least once just to see how it feels, maybe it is the perfect combi of hot and cold.
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