I'll fill it in alot
♥ Your penis is hitting my uterus ♥
blush breasts kuronekogata nipples nude original sex tears

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More incest, so it seems. Oranganeh, maybe you can translate it? I can only make out "onii-chan" in the beginning.
Wiresetc said:
More incest, so it seems. Oranganeh, maybe you can translate it? I can only make out "onii-chan" in the beginning.
trinkschokolade translated it before I had the chance. :D And yeah.. more incest between little sister and her big brother.
the translation is not correct. ill correct it
Her translation is funny as hell...His penis would have to be about 9 inches long and the width of a coat hanger to hit her actual uterus...As it would have to make it through her cervix first...
Well, the cervix is (considered?) the entrance to the uterus, so it's correct in a roundabout way. Artists in general aren't well known to be technical experts regarding what they depict. (Toes, you of all people should know that from all the gun images you've seen here ^_~)

I'm a bit more worried about how her spine seems to be making a right-angle in an area where her ribcage would be... (Her upper and lower body together seem anatomically impossible.)
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