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blue_eyes blue_hair bow duplicate hatsune_miku headphones jpeg_artifacts long_hair microphone sakura_(artist) skirt thighhighs third-party_edit twintails umbrella vocaloid

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I love the perspective and the color of this picture.
She is drawn really well.
blackz said:
I love the perspective and the color of this picture.
She is drawn really well.
Thank you!
Took me forever to make the colours fit!
KaitoxXxLen said:
Thank you!
Took me forever to make the colours fit!
I have to thank you for giving it such a nice touch.
it reminds me of S4 leauge, the digital hive on her bow,and the 01 on her arm, and the fact that she is running
neieto said:
it reminds me of S4 leauge, the digital hive on her bow,and the 01 on her arm, and the fact that she is running
She's actually falling
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