book brown_eyes brown_hair glasses original short_hair yasumori_zen

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Now this is sexy. Pretty academic-type girls with glasses who are in the mood are the best...Plus, the artwork here is impeccable...3 Stars...

(If someone comes back and says this is a trap, then I'm never looking at anime again)
If that's a trap I'm a girl.
The artist tagged it 女の子. It's absolutely NOT a trap.
I hate to break it to you, but the navel appears to be too low.
Animeticklesmytoes said:
(If someone comes back and says this is a trap, then I'm never looking at anime again)
Lol you sure? Suspicion is based on past experience.

Anyways her belly button looks weird if you stare at it. The outline between her hips and navel could use a bit more shading, or is it just me...
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