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the tag of shiguma rika is missing hehe
agnus_diaboli said:
the tag of shiguma rika is missing hehe

BTW I wonder what's that vial?..
Simbiat said:

BTW I wonder what's that vial?..
I appears to be some type of drug (A drug for the person who takes it to be overcome by lust perhaps) , probably the work of Rika in the upper right-hand corner of the pic.
actually his right arms is a bit *too* invisible imo, it confused me a bit
agnus_diaboli said:
the tag of shiguma rika is missing hehe
do u see that sketcht face to the right is that her?
MrFiesty said:
agnus_diaboli said:
the tag of shiguma rika is missing hehe
do u see that sketcht face to the right is that her?
I believe that's why agnus_diaboli told about the missing tag.
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