animal_ears barefoot black_eyes breasts cum daiyousei fellatio green_eyes green_hair group hakutaku_gohan hat kagiyama_hina kasodani_kyouko kazami_yuuka kisume kochiya_sanae long_hair navel nipples nude penis purple_eyes red_eyes ribbons sex shackles shiki_eiki short_hair soga_no_tojiko touhou twintails wings wink wriggle_nightbug

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This is what happens when you bake horny magical, um, Gingerbread men for the holidays... I guess they'll provide their own, um, just a moment...
I'm creeped out slightly by this... idk why
Maybe because not one of the touhou girls looks like they're enjoying it? Also... soga_no_tojiko's legs are cut off, and kasodani_kyouko's torso looks too slim...

That's all just my opinion though.
What? No Utsu-tsu lovin' ?????? blasphemy i say... BLASPHEMY!
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