black_eyes black_hair blood erikku_(kata235) knife original school_uniform

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asking your note's back on a different level, stab and kill everyone in the way untill you get them back.
This may be a parody of the Pennsylvania stabbing, though I'm probably wrong.
noRain_noRainbow said:
This may be a parody of the Pennsylvania stabbing, though I'm probably wrong.
Lets not bring up idea like that. It allows for misunderstanding. We have no way of knowing so it's best not to suggest it. And it's best be don't know for something like this because it's something that shouldn't be parodied.
Stealthbird97 said:
Lets not bring up idea like that.
I didn't think of it that way. After living in the US for so long acts of violence tend to become parts of everyday life...
They are just.... playing tag. Even if it's against the school rules to run in the corridor.
Tensa said:
They are just.... playing tag. Even if it's against the school rules to run in the corridor.
"Tag" everyone you see with a knife?
Well, it is "Onigokko" in Japanese. She's just taking the demon bit a bit further, since she doesn't have the horns and fangs
or it's an yandere who stab everyone who watched or told to is boy
Tensa said:
They are just.... playing tag. Even if it's against the school rules to run in the corridor.
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