Gotō Jun
Wanya~, will you let me drink the milk?
dress drink gotou_jun harukaze_setsuna long_hair pantyhose purple scan skirt tenshi_no_three_piece! tinkle

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I've had a look at the text. I'm not 100% on it.
Stealthbird97 said:
I've had a look at the text. I'm not 100% on it.
I changed it to current 'Will you let me drink the milk', it's probably implied that she means your man-milk.
Gameboon said:
...it's probably implied that she means your man-milk.
And not the strawberry milk sitting on that amp?
Gameboon said:
I changed it to current 'Will you let me drink the milk', it's probably implied that she means your man-milk.
Yeah I though it was something like that. Anyway, I'm satisfied is translated correct now.
otaku_emmy said:
And not the strawberry milk sitting on that amp?
Neh, that's what she wants naive people to think. There's a double meaning in there, I tell you!
That amp must be cranked up pretty high, because there's little dots of milk all over the place. Perhaps she's waiting for it to become a milkshake...(see what I did there?)...
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