animal bat blonde_hair blue_eyes blush choker clannad cross crossover dangan-ronpa dango_(clannad) dress gengar halloween jigoku_shoujo kani_biimu kaonashi kyuubee loli mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica monokuma moon original pokemon pumpkin ribbons sen_to_chihiro_no_kamikakushi shimotsuki_potofu shirakawa_kona silhouette soul_eater super_mario third-party_edit twintails umbrella wings

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Oh boy, this turned out rather chaotic. I guess tossing in random stuff haphazardly does that, who would have guessed :)

(This is the result of forum thread #77454)

PS: If anyone is interested, you can get the source file here. (use Gimp to open)
otaku_emmy said:
You did a great job!
I can't agree more with that, it's really appealing.
otaku_emmy said:
You did a great job!
I just realized that I forgot to put in the girl from Ring. Sorry about that!
Dummy said:
I just realized that I forgot to put in the girl from Ring. Sorry about that!
That's totally fine. You included that evil spider, and it fits perfectly.

Thanks again for doing this for us. :)
Cuteness and implicit horror all rolled into one. A worthy final product if I do say so myself.
I was wondering how you were going to piece all those suggestions together, nicely done.
Yay!!! This is SOO neaat! Thank you!!
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