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The dickhead is so ugh, flat?! Badly drawn any either way. Loves Sayo's face expression compared to the parent post tho haha
I've noticed that some artists will draw them all stubby and flat and weird like that sometimes and then it makes me consider the fact that maybe some guys' dicks actually look like that. :/
Yea, if memory serves well, I can remember seeing dickheads like that a couple of times on konachan here and there. But I have never seen such kind of dickhead on real-life dicks (not that I have seen many dicks in my life...).
And it seems really impracticable to me as the natural function of the dickhead (other than giving pleasure to the man because it's a really sensitive area) is to penetrate into the vagina first. Something flat won't do it that easily but something with kind of a cone or rounded shape will do way more easily.
why modern vampires suck dicks, not blood?
Alexius said:
why modern vampires suck dicks, not blood?
Same question would apply on why "other" modern day vampires "sparkle" under the sun (and not die) and compete for a girl with a werewolf (and no, I was "forced" to watch that movie by a girl who would later on suck me).
I don't think she's a vampire. She just has psychic powers.
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