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3d black_hair book headphones novelance original panties paper shirt short_hair underwear

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How can a picture be so detailed? Is there a programm, that uses photographies of real life objects to create a database of e.g. books, which can be used in pictures (like drag and drop - or am i beeing childish?^^) ?
Also the light is perfect. the shadows do exactly what they do in reality, like disperse on the edges, the farther away from the casting object the more dispersed they are; not to mention that the direction of the shadows feels perfect. This HAS to be animated. Looks like really much work. Does anyone know how long it takes to make this? I´d guess round about 5 weeks of intense work.
Literature, music, the dream of flying. That is some dreamy atmosphere. In my eyes it's a masterpiece.
Might be 3DCG, with the character drawn in after.
According to the source, this image was made using Photoshop 3DS Max and ZBrush.
I think I should start thinking (reading tags) before writing ^^
Thank you anyways - here is some sideways-falling icecream
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Oh, I only added the 3d tag after I checked the source. It wasn't there when you initially made your comment.
The girl looks like she was done in 3D and then drawn over as well. This is such a good result for this way of drawing, usually it looks ok at best.
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