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Fraise? That's an interesting name.
BattlequeenYume said:
Fraise? That's an interesting name.
It's French for "strawberry", and they all have food names so... I guess it's supposed to sound demure. Her character description fits the name.

Edit: I've noticed the Japanese like using French in products too so I'm sure that's something to do with it. They like the "regality" of the West.
Oh! Now it's clear why I liked her in no time. And matches with the other food names.
BattlequeenYume said:
Fraise? That's an interesting name.
otaku_emmy said:
It's French for "strawberry", [...]
They certainly pronounce it more like fu-re-su in Japan though. They have their own way to pronounce foreign words.
Elioty said:
They certainly pronounce it more like fu-re-su in Japan though. They have their own way to pronounce foreign words.
Yee, but I'm not Japanese. :p

It's not necessarily that they have their "own way", in many cases, it's just that they're incapable of saying it "correctly".
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