aether_(genshin_impact) avin_(genshin_impact) bandage blonde_hair blue_eyes boots braids breasts brown_eyes brown_hair choker cleavage clouds dress fairy fireworks genshin_impact gloves gray_hair group halo japanese_clothes loli long_hair male orange_eyes paimon_(genshin_impact) sarashi short_hair sky swkl:d tattoo thighhighs twintails underwear wristwear yellow_eyes yoimiya_(genshin_impact)

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That other girl doesn't look familiar so I don't know if she's an insert character or someone actually from Genshin.
otaku_emmy said:
That other girl doesn't look familiar so I don't know if she's an insert character or someone actually from Genshin.
Her name is Avin and is from the quest where this scene is from.
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