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akiyama_mio barefoot black_hair blue_eyes dopollsogno food guitar headphones instrument k-on! long_hair pocky shorts

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I wonder what kind of candy is it?!
What candy? You mean the box of Pocky?
StahnAileron said:
What candy? You mean the box of Pocky?
Yes that what I ment thankyou
Pocky are cocolate sticks. in Japan you can get them in all various tastes they are pretty famous. even here (Europe) you can get them but only in normal choclate flavour and under the name Mikado
Chocolate coated biscuit sticks actually.
And you can get Mikado in milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and almond.
SciFi said:
Chocolate coated biscuit sticks actually.
And you can get Mikado in milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and almond.
well white cocolate and almond is new to me and i ve never seen them in stores or somewhere but maybe that's because I live in the middle of nowhere.
I can't find pocky anywhere where I live. I got some online at some site where I was getting other stuff anyway, and it was delicious. Now that I think about it, I got some at a small grocery store that we rarely go to a few months after that. I haven't been there since.
Stop talking about Pocky in general. That's off-topic.
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