fate_testarossa mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha takamachi_nanoha yuri

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Wow, I love this pic.It (the pic) and seeing Nanoha and Fate together in love is so beautiful and awesome. Having 2 cute girls kissing and holding each in a loving manner is already generally a beautiful thing, but parts of the rest of the pic, such as how they're (most likely, I'm not 100% sure) up in the sky and the position of their bodies, with that white stuff (wind, I suppose?) around them and the bits of energy (?) around them with a bright full moon in the background and the starry sky just makes it amazing, and even "magical", IMO. It's a really wonderful and epic yuri moment. No score could be "too high" for something this good.
Depends on your tastes.
Yes, certainly. I probably should've said "IMO" for my whole comment, but oh well.
Could not agree more Nano/Fate definatly the cutest yuri couple out there.
It always strikes me as a bit strange as to how someone could find yuri distasteful. But oh well top pic!!
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