animal_ears breasts dark_skin flat_chest food green_eyes long_hair maruku nipples nude original shade tail white_hair

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Alexkp said:
Paradise? :)
MoDaisuke said:
i want to go to there
'till they eat you. :D
Cuda007 said:
'till they eat you. :D
uh ther too cute to eat u if only thay wer alittle older :P
move then likely no mater how old they were they would have no sex drive for humans
Alexkp said:
Paradise? :)
Please don't mention paradise with wolf eared girls unless you're talking about "Wolf's Rain".
Cuda007 said:
'till they eat you. :D
To a vorarephile, being eaten is quite an exciting prospect :P

Nice art ;)
does Kisumi happen to own a private island 0.o hope she invites me one day
The three of you seem to not understand the concept of Clothing.........
Wonderful. Great use of darker coloring and perceived shade; the artist even had different types of fruit genus. I wish they showed a little fang, but they're showing enough of their other stuff to satisfy me. If there's an anime heaven, then I want it to be this. I'm not worried about them eating me; I'll tame them. The presence of human genitalia, indicates there's a good chance that they would mate with a human.
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