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Anyone spot the flaw? Besides the fact she appears to be coming through the fence.

Maho said:
Is it that her nipples look weird? They look too...pointy e_e I don't know they just look weird
I think thats just from her arms squeezing them, it doesn't seem to me that thats her nipples.

I think its the clouds, how could you take a image at a gate (with a girl be hide it) and get nothing but odd looking clouds.
What flaw? Well, it looks like she's going through the fence, but she actually isn't. It just fades to display her face.
SciFi said:
Anyone spot the flaw?
Is it that her nipples look weird? They look too...pointy e_e I don't know they just look weird
Chaos345 said:
What flaw? Well, it looks like she's going through the fence, but she actually isn't. It just fades to display her face.
Then the whole fence should be out of focus, its not.
Incidentially, that wasn't what it was, but what I thought was a crease was just a fence built back to front.
Cuda007 said:
I think thats just from her arms squeezing them, it doesn't seem to me that thats her nipples.
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