fate_testarossa mahou_shoujo_lyrical_nanoha

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Isn't that Material-M ("Dark" Fate) from the Battle of Aces PSP game?
Don't have the game, Haven't gotten around to Importing it, Though it does look cute with that bandage on her head.
No, there is no Material-M Stahn, it's Material-L. The others are S (Nanoha) and D (Hayate).

Also, I know this artist, he created (or still creates) a 4koma doujin where Nanoha somehow turns into a plushie doll, or part of her Linker Core gets inside it somehow, I forget, but it was one of those 2. Theres also a little side one where it's the reverse and Fate becomes the doll. Just continues to show how much they deeply love each other, as per the fandom.
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