akagi_shigeru akiyama_mio ana_coppola anago animal animal_ears arle_nadja armor_tiger azumanga_daioh beatrice beedrill bidoof blush bonta-kun bow bulbasaur cape carbuncle cat catgirl chibi chikorita chiyo_chichi chiyo_father clefable crossover dewgong digimon diglett disgaea ditto doll dragonite dragon_quest dratini ekaterina_kurae electrode ez-8_gundam fearow fujiwara_no_mokou full_metal_panic fumoffu general_vamp gengar glasses goemon goma_(duke2413) gouda_toshirou gouf_custom griffon_kato griffon_plato group guitar hakurei_reimu haramura_nodoka haro hat hatsune_miku hayate_no_gotoku hell_wolf himura_kenshin hirasawa_ui hirasawa_yui hourai ichigo_mashimaro instrument inuyasha inuyasha_(character) itou_chika itou_nobue izumi_konata japanese_clothes jojo_no_kimyou_na_bouken kaamenman kagura kamineko kamishirasawa_keine kanbara_satomi kaorin kasuga_ayumu katana kataoka_yuuki katsura_hinagiku kayoko keroro_gunsou kimura kirby kirby_(character) kirisame_marisa kita_kita_oyaji k-on! kotobuki_tsumugi kuro_(gundam) kurosawa_minamo lucky_star lugia magnemite male manabe_nodoka maribel_han mask matsuoka_miu maya mayaa maya_(azumanga) mecha medario megurine_luka metabee mew mihama_chiyo mikami_reiko miko minun miyanaga_saki mizuhara_koyomi mobile_suit_gundam moyashimon nakajima nakano_azusa nintendo nise-akagi nishizawa_ayumu norris_packard noyama_azusa oddish ofuda omegamon oryzae-tan patamon pikachu plue plusle pokemon prinny rapidash rave_master red_(pokemon) rurouni_kenshin sagara_sanosuke sakaki saki sakuragi_matsuri sakutaro sakutarou salamence sanzenin_nagi scar scizor scyther senoo_kaori shanghai_doll sin_sack slime_(dragon_quest) someya_mako sora_no_otoshimono spheal starmie suga_kyoutarou sunglasses sunred suupuushan suzumiya_haruhi suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuutsu sword tadakichi tadakichi-san tagme taikoubou tainaka_ritsu takara_miyuki takei_hisa takino_tomo takoluka tanizaki_yukari touhou tsuyama_mutsuki twintails umineko_no_naku_koro_ni usakotsu usami_renko ushiromiya_ange ushiromiya_battler ushiromiya_maria vocaloid voltorb wakamoto_norio waldo wally washizu_iwao weapon wings wink witch xatu yagokoro_eirin yamanaka_sawako yukkuri_shiteitte_ne

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Oh, god i see another Tagspam coming up soon by SciFi, Cuda and some others. :P
Cuda's tagspam - Complete.
Vesperia said:
lol who's next?
If it's Touhou, it's me.
Anyone else notice waldo in there...
Vesperia said:
tagspamming FTW!! >:3
Only when it's correct tags. Anything else and Oyashiro-sama could get restless.
needs a digemon link and a gundom link and an inuyasha link. AND WHY IS THERE MEDABOTS IN THERE WHENE MINE WASN'T ALOUD?!
yup, thats my child hood and recent youth years all summed up in one go
It's not that Medabots is not allowed, it's that no one likes it enough to approve them.
J'aime, I like it! Kya! Umineko!
Pokemon~ Long, but very long time~

(Sorry, my english is bad)
Elisimse said:
Sorry, my english is bad)
French? Alors d'écrire en Français. Je vais le traduire.
T: Then write it in French. I'll translate it.
Tensa ==> Thank you! Je vais essayer d'écrire en anglais quand même.

Oh! I found Kirby & Mew! ... Okay, I stop my madness... ^^
out of all the things in that image, that guy with panties over his head and his immensly tight borat-like stretch suit keep taking my attention.
under chikorita... is that a teddy bear from concor's bad fur day? and above miku... are those puyos from puyo pop feaver?
fracturedsoul said:
Anyone else notice waldo in there...
Yes. XD Also, this is very epic. Although, chikoritas eyes are supposed to be red, not green.
Omg, when will the notespam begin? I'll start it with Waldo
I spy Misao from Lucky Star! YES!
Tagged ekaterina_kurae. Totally needed a TAG!
Super crossover of DOOM!... or of epicness I forget which
what's up with that Electrode?
fracturedsoul said:
Anyone else notice waldo in there...
Is there actually Waldo in there, or you saying that they're are just so many characters? XD
Thank you, Japan. You're a cool guy.
I could swear that's the kid from Sora no Otoshimono in the bottom left corner...gives me the creeps.
GS Mikami, Mahoujin Guru Guru also.
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