blush gray_hair hat mismagius pokemon purple_eyes purple_hair thighhighs witch

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tortoisezilla said:
Is this pokemon?
More like Moemon.
The girl on the left is a Mismagius, but I'm not sure who the girl on the right is.
I guess Pokemon has changed a lot since I use watch it. Last movie I saw was with that Mewtwo thing.
Agos said:
but I'm not sure who the girl on the right is.
Im pretty sure its a Darkrai
AngelofAudunn said:
Im pretty sure its a Darkrai
HawthorneKitty said:
IIRC it is a duskull.
I have a lil bro who would go on a rampage about how wrong you are... almost tempted to show him this, but at the same time im almost out of Tylenol.
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