bel_(pokemon) cheren n pokemon touko_(pokemon) touya

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The anime version of the anime, I like.
atosaizo said:
anime version of the anime,
Huh? So does that mean Pokemon wasn't an anime before?
Agos said:
Huh? So does that mean Pokemon wasn't an anime before?
Could have fooled me.
I've never seen these pokemon before
newid said:
I've never seen these pokemon before
They must be from another version. I don't know them either
They are the fifth generation of Pokémon. The Black & White version.
Zanifar said:
They are the fifth generation of Pokémon. The Black & White version.
See all the new 5th generation Pokemon here:
what is the serie name ??
Sph3rE said:
what is the serie name ??
Best Wishes.
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