anthropomorphism black_hair blue_eyes pokemon red_eyes reshiram tagme white_hair zekrom

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If only Pokemon were like this :|
Howl said:
If only Pokemon were like this :|
I'd catch'em all already :P
Man this is awesome. If only this is reality
Howl said:
If only Pokemon were like this :|
you might just have a millionaire's concept for a videogame
You know, we should create a story!
The eyes are switched. (I tend to notice small details.)
On the reshiram girl I think i can see part of her nipple.
Oh Men, This is fucking awesome. When the story has been created, I'm the first buyer.

blueboilover22 said:
You know, we should create a story!
I am totally agreed, the potential to sell this kind of fantasy type and the heavenly hentai story would made us more popular and profit. Any of you guys got any ideas of this thing?
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