aki_minoriko aki_shizuha alice_margatroid animal_ears bunny_ears bunnygirl catgirl chen chibi cirno daiyousei demon doll fairy flandre_scarlet foxgirl fujiwara_no_mokou group hakurei_reimu hieda_no_akyuu hijiri_byakuren himekaidou_hatate hinanawi_tenshi hong_meiling hoshiguma_yuugi houjuu_nue houraisan_kaguya ibuki_suika inaba_tewi inubashiri_momiji izayoi_sakuya japanese_clothes kaenbyou_rin kagiyama_hina kamishirasawa_keine kawashiro_nitori kazami_yuuka kirisame_marisa kisume koakuma kochiya_sanae komeiji_koishi komeiji_satori konpaku_youmu kumoi_ichirin kurodani_yamame letty_whiterock lily_white luna_child lunasa_prismriver lyrica_prismriver maid medicine_melancholy merlin_prismriver miko mizuhashi_parsee moriya_suwako mousegirl murasa_minamitsu myon mystia_lorelei nagae_iku nazrin onozuka_komachi patchouli_knowledge reisen_udongein_inaba reiuji_utsuho remilia_scarlet rumia saigyouji_yuyuko shameimaru_aya shanghai_doll shiki_eiki star_sapphire sunny_milk tatara_kogasa toramaru_shou touhou unzan vampire viva!! witch wolfgirl yagokoro_eirin yakumo_ran yakumo_yukari yasaka_kanako

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difficult to identify any of these characters, but the picture is really cool to see, and quite nice =)
Anaganne said:
difficult to identify any of these characters, but the picture is really cool to see, and quite nice =)
'Tis simple to identify the Oni's....
And Aya...

Cirno looks mysterious :3
I'm seeing things or someone is actually stealing from the donation box?
Not like there's much to steal anyway...
JJK said:
looks like it to me
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