charlotte_dunois eyepatch gun infinite_stratos laura_bodewig maid okiura weapon

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I belive this shacking body at the very foreground is Ichika :P
Wujek said:
I belive this shacking body at the very foreground is Ichika :P
Lol , actually , this is a scene that the artist probably depicted from the infinite stratos novel that wasnt in the manga or anime version If there will be this part , it would probably be in season 2 or probably get cut off since its a small scene in the novel only X.x . This scene is where the cafe owner asked laura and charlotte to work there because of the lack of workers for that day and it just so happens a few male robbers came to rob the cafe. In the end they got beaten up by laura and charlotte and something like the wallpaper depicts the ending of that part before the police came haha.
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