animal cat group jiji_(character) kaze_no_tani_no_nausicaa kiki kokudou_juunigou kusakabe_mei kusakabe_satsuki laputa:_castle_in_the_sky loli majo_no_takkyuubin makkurokurosuke male muska ogino_chihiro sen_to_chihiro_no_kamikakushi sheeta tonari_no_totoro tsukishima_shizuku whisper_of_the_heart

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All the Miyazaki girls in one place. Brilliant pic!
Sorry, but I don't see Nausicaa. got most of the rest tho.
It's really weird seeing Muska here.

The only reason I can think of to Nausicaa's absence is that that film was made before Ghibli officially existed. But her flyer is in the background, so now I'm just confused.
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