aqua_hair book crazypen hatsune_miku kaito male school_uniform twintails vocaloid

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*throws sword at Kaitos head, missing only slightly to strike fear in his heart*
Black_Rock_Shooter said:
*throws sword at Kaitos head, missing only slightly to strike fear in his heart*
Mmm, dunno, she seems to be enjoying it.
GVKuroneko said:
Mmm, dunno, she seems to be enjoying it.
Shhh! We don't need to know that! *gives GVK a cookie*
she has a stalker *calls the police and gets kaito arrested for a random charge*
...Am I the only one that actually likes Kaito?
BillButtlicker said:
...Am I the only one that actually likes Kaito?
It's not that I don't like him, he just can't touch my, I mean, our Miku, nobody can, its a universal rule.
Black_Rock_Shooter said:
It's not that I don't like him, he just can't touch my, I mean, our Miku, nobody can, its a universal rule.
Agreed. . . . OUR Miku
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