brown_eyes brown_hair gloves hakurei_reimu japanese_clothes kenntairui long_hair mcdonald's miko red_eyes red_hair ribbons ronald_mcdonald short_hair touhou

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Mc Donalds and Touhou?? That goes a little bit to far! -But i like it (The Touhou part). Maybe anyone delete with photoshop or something the Mc Donalds part and put a good background in this picture......
Clown's, I'm fucking hating them...

I second Gnarf's request, Touhou part would look nice in some kind of fancy background =).
......especially the fucking comercial part of Mc Donalds- a sacrilege to combine with my beloved touhou charas
For some reason it's funny seeing a ronald mcdonald character tag.
The only reason that thing should be anywhere anime/manga is to DIE.
Although I do not necessarily object to the icon, I do object to the principle, and what it is representing. Thus, I will agree with the former posts.
I uploaded for the lulz and for Touhou 8D I'm indiferent in Ronald's case... thou I'll lol if I see someone with him at the avatar XD
Tensa said:
I uploaded for the lulz and for Touhou 8D I'm indiferent in Ronald's case... thou I'll lol if I see someone with him at the avatar XD
And I'll be tempted to change it.. after a few hours.
LOL anime style Ronald Mcdondalds XD approximately 3x better than normal ronald mcdonalds
Bringerof_D said:
LOL anime style Ronald Mcdondalds XD approximately 3x better than normal ronald mcdonalds
Agree, at least he will stop scaring childrens xD
SciFi said:
The only reason that thing should be anywhere anime/manga is to DIE.
lookin' at Reimu's face, he's not that far from that.....'t least her face doesn't promise ANYTHING good for him xD
If mcdonalds was a anime character to begin with, then i actually MIGHT have liked mcdonalds.
Come on, no reason to delete Ronald. Maybe delete the slogan, but Ronald looks nice here =) Compared to all the cases when people draw him as some monstrous beast, this picture is quite original.
Basically Ronald is saying... "HEY KIDS!! I'm a pervert in anime form too! ahyuk!"
Then she's just smiling 'cause she's waiting to reveal her powers and kill him.

And so... Touhou saw that it was good... and the prophesy came true.
THIS is why this picture exists. I am sure it wouldn't have happened anyway.
The questions is why the video exists...
Who could have thought that Ronald can be this handsome?
Haven't you guys seen the Japanese female R. McDonald? Actually pretty hot.
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